Wednesday, May 5, 2004

I bet your wondering what the hell that is on the left...

Well, physically speaking, it's a very delicious cheese stuffed roll baked using instructions from a Crank's recipe book.

Metaphorically speaking, it's a sign that either I've found a new sense of maturity where I can now make the effort to get up early in the morning and using no measuring devices bake a mighty fine piece of bread - or that I've lost the plot, and have got to the stage that I'm so tired and bored of my life that I'll wake up early with the sole intention of baking a mighty fine piece of bread. I'll let you decide... (although personally speaking, I think we're in the grey area somewhere in between)

Anyway, enough of baked goods: let me point you in the direction of some interesting CDs over here. Being the egotist that I am I like to think someone will buy at least one of them based on my purchasing habits.

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