Sunday, August 29, 2004

I'm getting lazy on the posting front aren't I?

OK, time to correct that. First things first a rant I think, Woking is getting really shit. Once again a perfectly enjoyable night out has been marred by violence, my usual peace loving left wing views on how to deal with modern society are being questioned, and I'm now of the opinion that there is a whole demographic that I would quite happily see being rounded up, sterilised so they can't breed and shipped away to some deserted island in the middle of nowhere.

This is all from an incident that happened last night - basically I spent most of the evening with Johnboy propping up the bar at the Station pub in Woking. We were both drinking vodka and red bulls, the vodka was to get me drunk and the redbull to keep John awake. Anyway we had great fun, met lots of weird characters (who mainly seemed to be Spurs fans), and developed a special bond with the bar staff. Afterwards we staggered back to my place, but just as we were outside my flat some twat decides to smack John in the face. No explanation, no warning, just a smack in the face. Fair play on John, he didn't move an inch, but unfortunatly his teeth were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and his lip pretty much exploded from being cut by them - there's quite a spectacular blood stain on the path outside my place now. We tried to clean his mouth up, but it was clear that it needed proper medical attention - anyway long story short, we eventually sobered up enough to realise that a trip to Guildford Accident and Emergency was required. They were pretty good about it, but it was bad enough for the doctor on duty to need to call a special facial surgeon to sort it out - you can see the result of her handiwork in these pictures.

So, a perfectly decent night fucked up, I'm really beginning to hate Woking...

Anyway enough of that, onto other items. Naturally I've been buying more CDs, you can read about them here, there's some good CDs coming out soon: I'm really looking forward to the new Jesu CD and there is a Twilight Singers covers album coming out soon, which with Greg Dulli's track record on doing cracking cover versions should be really good. I've decided to give the Bjork CD a miss, I've had a quick listen to it and I just find it a bit gimmicky.

Anything else? Well, I'm off on holiday to Crete in a couple of weeks - should be fun, I'm really looking forward to a proper break. I've got my Eyetoy working as a webcam thanks to this page, this may lead to a new feature on the website soon - you have been warned. My laptop is now fully Service Packed up, no problems yet I'm happy to report. Oh and I went to see The Village a couple of days ago - saw the twist coming a mile away, I wouldn't bother with it really, but I've never been a fan of M. Night Shyamalan...

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