Tuesday, August 17, 2004

To celebrate my new phone, my old one has been diagnosed as having *cough* water damage (not beer damage, no sirree), I'd like to present to fellow sharp gx-30 owners this highly annoying ringtone.

I've been to the cinema tonight to see I Robot, wasn't as bad as I expected it to be (this whole going to the cinema with really low expectations seems to be doing the trick). Will Smith does his stuff with a slightly meaner edge than usual, it has plenty of cool robots which handily glow red when they go a bit evil, and the blatant product placement from Audi didn't annoy me as much as I thought it would. Worth watching really...

Unlike another couple of films which I've watched recently, but which I've not had to pay £6.50 for (thank you internet!). Garfield was the first one: it just felt like a film that everyone, with the exception of the CGI department who did a reasonable job with the big fat cat, did on auto pilot - there seemed to be pretty much no effort, from anyone involved, to make it anything other than a below average family film.

And then there is The Punisher, it had all the right characters from the recent Garth Ennis comic books: Joan the mouse, Spacker Dave, Bumpo were in it - they even had The Russian (although he was in his pre-transsexual cyborg incarnation, which was a shame). But what was the point in doing a two hour film on the Punisher where he only does some proper 'punishing' in the last twenty minutes? And he kept letting bad guys off! Not violent enough basically...

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