Monday, August 23, 2004

A quick weekend post-analysis post I think, before the full force of Monday hits me.

The Jerry Springer Opera on Friday was very good, it can be enjoyed on many levels: a social commentary on the modern worlds increasingly voyeuristic viewing habits, a clever satire on religion (as it does end up with our hero Jerry in hell), or you can just enjoy the fact that professional singers having to sing swear words and lines such as 'chick with a dick' is very funny. And it ends with a tap dance number, which can't be a bad thing.

On Saturday I went to see Woking play, the football was typical lower league affair - ie a bit rubbish - but it got me out of the house. The rest of the day/evening was spent in the pub where I got to meet a friend of a friend that I have absolutely no problem in calling a total wanker, he didn't appear to have one single redeeming feature - maybe except for the bit where he did shut the fuck up and stopped talking/shouting to everyone.

Anyway, that was my weekend, some pictures of it can be found over here. I'm off to enjoy my new cold now...

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