Sunday, June 26, 2005

Phew! What a weekend, dinner with the Ambassador and his charming wife on Friday night - the souffle had to be seen to be believed, followed by a night at the opera on Saturday - although we left halfway through when the drugs kicked in to go to a wonderfully quaint Gabba club for some gurning and further illicit drug taking... Oops, silly me, having a wildly imaginary social life again. What I meant to say was I did fuck all this weekend, unless you count playing videogames, listening to CDs and the odd trip to the gym as a social life.

I'm playing some odd games at the moment: Kirby's Canvas Curse on the Nintendo DS which involves prodding a little pink ball around various hallucinogenic levels whilst drawing little rainbow paths for him to roll about on, and I'm finding Forza motorsport on the XBox a very strange car racing simulator in that I spend an inordinate amount of time teaching an AI driver to do the races for me, rather than doing any actual racing

And then there is Final Fantasy X-2 on the Playstation 2, which can be really messed up - Final Fantasy X was set in a world threatened by a giant flying demon whale called Sin, one of the main characters was dead, another one was the dream of a dream (or something) and Yuna (one of the characters who crosses over to Final Fantasy X-2) was this straight-laced priestess who's job was to Shepherd the souls of the dead to the afterlife and who also had a sideline in summoning demonic entities to aid your party. What does she do in the sequel? Well obviously she becomes a globe-trotting treasure hunter who also is a Pop-singer on the side. Eh?!

The whole game has this weird Charlies Angel vibe (the main characters are all 'kick-ass' girls), it has a cheesy disco-funk-jazz soundtrack, all the male characters seem to have issues with there sexuality, and frankly I haven't got a clue what's going on most of the time. I just have this uncomfortable feeling it would be better appreciated whilst wearing make-up... Very odd.

Got a couple of CDs this weekend: another 80s 12" compilation and continuing my tradition of for one reason or other owning each Nine Inch Nails album twice I have another version of With Teeth - you may now refer to me as Trent Reznor's bitch. Still, you've got to love a band that can still dish out this level of abuse to there instruments. Anway, more details over here.

Finally, I managed to find the torrent to the pilot of the TV version of Warren Ellis's Global Frequency, damn shame it's not going to be made into a full series. I suggest you check out to check out how good this could have been.

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