Saturday, June 18, 2005

Phil's top tip: Don't watch Chris Cunningham's Rubber Johnny if you are in the least bit squeamish about shape shifting naked mutants. Got the DVD this morning, probably should have waited until my hangover had subsided before approaching the film, or even before I'd opened the book that comes with the DVD - there are lot's of... what's the word? 'worrying' pictures of what may or may not be areas of the body where the sun doesn't normally shine... I think if Mr Cunningham ever gets round to making a feature length film he could do some serious mental damage - I look forward to that.

More film stuff, I got round to seeing Sin City last week, I was going to do a bit of a Sin City spoof post to celebrate it's release but obviously never got round to it. Let me just say I was really pleased with it, finally someone has worked out how to film a comic book - it's not difficult, you just have to literally 'film the book'. Keep the styling, the internal monologues, you've got a storyboard already drawn up there in the form of the comic book panels: use it! Thankfully Robert Rodriguez understands this too and he's completely nailed this film, possibly his finest work since Spy Kids.

Another thing before I get back to my evening of videogames and self-loathing. I have a confession... I've been smoking on and off for the past couple of weeks. No excuses this time, it's all my own fault. It stops now though, OK? We don't need to mention this again do we?

And finally, here's some pictures of Matt falling asleep - it's quite a skill, he can go from mildly tipsy to full blown catatonic drunk in the blink of an eyelid. I'm sure it will come in useful one day.

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