Sunday, November 6, 2005

Another week of ignoring my website flies by. I guess I should try to write something or other.

So what have I been doing? Well buying CD's as usual, got some mild shoegazing, hippy shit and a bit of modern classical music for you to read about and listen to. It's getting to that time of year which sucks if your a music fan: Christmas, give it a couple of weeks and the only new CDs will be sell-out best-of compilations.

I've also been reading again, pretty sure this one isn't going to do any favours to my reputation of being a miserable so and so.

Go Ask Ogre by Jolene Siana is a collection of letters written by a teenage girl to the lead singer of Skinny Puppy Kevin Ogilvie aka Ogre, sort of like a modern goth version of The Diary of Anne Frank if you will - but without the Nazis. She's a funny girl at times, but also very troubled growing up with an abusive mother and prone to cutting herself, however she keeps herself together just about by constantly writing letters to Ogre. It seems a very one sided correspondence, but years later Ogre gives all the letters back and here we end up with this book. Interesting, if occasionally depressing reading.

Can't think of much else, got a few pictures from Nikki's last day, none from the evening though - I'm getting lazy in my old age.

Off to watch cartoons now...

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