Thursday, November 17, 2005

In a slightly twisted way I like this time of year, the way it gets dark early, the cold nights - matches my cold black heart very well. Bah!

I've been in a bad mood today, first reason is work - spent the best part of the last couple of days trying to solve a Sharepoint Portal Server issue, if anyone is doing a search for a problem involving not being able to crawl the portal and getting error code 0x80041205 0x80041209 in the search log feel free to post a solution in the comments. Seriously.

Off on a tangent, just had a look at the search keywords that are used to get to my site, for some reason the top two results are master chief and heroin addict. Really don't get those, but the search keywords that have appeared at number 13 in my stats have got me curious: juxtapositional eugenics? Wow! I have no idea what that means... Oh, hold on - it was referring to the first episode of the second season of Lost that I mentioned on this site... Bit disappointed now, thought I was starting to sound intelligent.

Anyway, back to moaning about why I've been in a bad mood. Reason number 2: Chris Bastard Moyles. I had the misfortune of turning on the radio in my car on the way back from the Dentists and listening to that fat cunt (Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle) bragging about how he had got a free XBox360. Bastard! And then hearing his cretinous posse of mental throwbacks discussing videogames with all the intellectual grace of an episode of that old TV show Kids say the funniest things (or what ever it was called) really set me up for the day. Yes, I know I'm probably taking it too seriously, but some of us gamers would like to be occasionally treated with a modicum of intelligence. See! Some of us use words like 'modicum'.

And finally: cigarettes...

I'm reduced to hoping that fictional superheroes are going to save me from the evil weed.

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