Monday, November 7, 2005

Notes from Phil's links... could be interesting, it allows you to send emails to yourself in the future. I'm being a bit cowardly about it and only sending nagging emails to myself to stop smoking and to stop being lazy and get some... well, you know - some. I could be horribly wrong though and I'll just end up recieving spam from my past self.

Speaking of the future, it is said that as a civilisation we are only four missed meals away from complete anarchy (five if you're optimistic, three if you're impatient like me). Well when society does eventually crumble and we are all living in some sort of post apocalyptic Beyond Thunderdome dustbowl, I for one will be riding one of these bad boys around:

We'll try to ignore my lack of interest in motorbikes for a second. More pictures here.

And finally, even though it went round the email circuits not so long ago, some fainting goats. Almost as funny as the video of the tasered bull that did the rounds many moons ago. Yeah, I know it's a bit sick, but as a reasonably hardcore vegetarian who thinks fishing is a bit suspect, karmatically speaking I'm way ahead of you - so there!

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