Monday, March 31, 2003

How not to make a website part 431...

OK, an explanation I think. I've been hanging around the MSM member directory, a strange and wonderful place with a lot of "lurve-ing" and "lol-ing" going on, populated by teenagers, weird middle aged women, and... well blatant paedophiles (singleThirteenYearOld - fuck right off!, you are fooling no one you dirty old man).

Basically it's all part of the plan to make sure I'm the one and only Darth Phil. First I got the "dot com" that you're reading now (a pretty good start I think), last night I got my xBox gamertag (I'm truly shocked no other Star Wars fan called Phil got it) - and I've just got my MSM profile... again a straight "darthphil".

So back to the explanation, as any decent (well, I say decent...) self-respecting single Dark Lord of the Sith would do I've been casually flicking through the entries in my area that belonged to "ladieez" and which had pictures (stop tutting at the back, just send your disapproving emails here), anyway amongst those I found the entry with the link shown above...

That was so worth the long winded explanation wan't it?
I've put a new CD section up, it's basically for my own benfit, just to remind me about future CD releases by bands I'm into.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Hold the fucking presses!! The protest song of the day feature has done itself proud today!

Dr Carl Kennedy of neighbours fame, has done a protest song! You can download it here. OK, so it goes against my previous righteous indignation with a funky beat requirement, because basically it's pants, but hats off to the man.
The latest tigerbeat6 newsletter had a nice little surprise today, 3 of my favourite noise-meisters, Kid 606, DJ/rupture and The Bug are playing at the cybersonica festival on june 20th - just got to find some people to drag along to it now...

PS hardcore giant robot controller action can be found in drnk

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Now, this is hardcore! It is also a good reason why I am painfully single and very likely to stay that way for the forseable future...

In case you can't be bothered to click on the link, it's Steel Batallion for the XBox, complete with 40 button giant robot controller - and one of these puppies turned up for me today... I'm slightly disappointed it wasn't parachuted in or escorted to our offices by armed guard, but you can't have everything your own way can you? Anyway, tonight I think I'll be settling down on my sofa with my shiny new 40 button controller, I'll crack open a beer or two, loosen some clothing, crank the surround sound up and kick some giant robot ass... sad and worrying eh? especially the bit about loosening clothing.

Anyway, back to reality for a moment. The protest song of the day feature is on hold at the moment on grounds of taste and decency, it is my painful duty to inform you that Lenny Kravitz has released an anti war song. I'm sorry but I'm not putting a link to a song by someone as dull as him, you'll just have to hunt around for it on your own - I've listened to 'We want peace' and it's shite... there's pretty much zero passion in it. I suppose I'm just not one for the whole 'give peace a chance... please... pretty please with sugar on top' approach, I want something along the lines of 'what the hell do you think your doing!'... righteous indignation with a funky beat basically.

Finally a quick big up!(..sorry, I'm listening to hip-hop at the moment) to Pat at First Season Filmic Frippery, my first email out of the blue wishing me luck with the blog. Good to hear from another spaced fan too!

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

The on going protest song of the day feature continues, this one goes boom!

It's by System of a Down, a frighteningly intelligent metal band from the US of A, and very good it is too. The link above sends you to a page where you can watch the video, mainly directed by Michael Moore, director of Bowling for Columbine, author of Stupid White Men, and general all round thorn in the western world's side - can't believe the way he got treated at the oscars though... actually that's a lie, I can totally believe it...

I'm thinking of putting this on my site soon, the trouble is there anyone out there who would use it?

Monday, March 24, 2003

well, this is a surprise isn't it?

Anyway, I'm won't start going on about conspiracy theories and what have you now, I'm sure there will be some better ones around by the time the war's over - instead I'll point you in the direction of the protest song of the day! This one from Mr Zach De La Rocha and Mr DJ Shadow, and very good it is too, although I'm not that sure about the title...

Friday, March 21, 2003

Dunno if you've noticed but I've been messing around with the banners at the top of the page. I realized that I originally wrote the banner code in a vaguely sensible way so that new banners could be dropped in with very little effort - having said that it's also based on chaos theory, which isn't really what sensible websites do

Anyway there are 3 new ones - one nicked from a Squarepusher video, one is a failed experiment with textures, and finally the gulf war 2 tribute banner... I'm getting all political in my old age.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Well my new PC has just been shipped - apparently. I get broadband tomorrow, so by my reckoning I could be xbox living by the weekend. woo hoo! There just better not be any any other git out there calling themselves darth phil - So far I've found this lot...

This darth phil seems to be into bugles and orchestras

This darth phil seems to be german, but then again maybe not since over here he switches to English - maybe he just lives in Germany... anyway he's all over the place really.

This darth phil could do with sorting his webpage out.

This darth phil likes to write reviews of dragon ball z movies... in German - he's written another one here

This ...person has met someone called darth phil, apparently he entitled me 'The Keeper of Hope' and initiated me into the guild? Hmm... I'm sure I would have remembered that... Oh, I've just found the darth phil who is 'The Keeper of Hope' - he likes to wear dresses, but who doesn't?

There's a darth phil somewhere on this page - he sounds a bit bad ass.

And finally there's a darth phil on this list who has a force rating of 0.159... pussy! the real darth phil cranks it up to 11! Every single goddamn day!

...I'm just hoping none of them have xboxes.

PS drnk and gx10 have been updated.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Now this is the sort of thing darth phil would like to see more of...

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

War! Good God! huurgh! What is it good for!... etc etc

Right, I thought it might be an idea for this website to get vaguely topical, so here's a few links to get you all in the mood for the forthcoming gulf war part 2.

First, to get in the right frame of mind may I suggest the philosophy of Mr Bill Hicks - there are plenty of recordings around of his thoughts on how ridiculous the original Gulf War was. If that doesn't get you nice and indignant, try reading this pile of shite.

Second, all good anti-war protestors need a t-shirt with a decent slogan, may I suggest the Can you feel my love? shirt from Ban T-shirts.

Next up, a good protest song - and I don't think you'll get much better than the DJ Spooky remix of Not In Our Name by Saul Williams - ladies and gentlemen I give you 'protest garage'. This isn't your typical 'tree hugging hippie crap' protest song, this is a good 'n' furious 'How fucking dare you!' cry to our leaders... plus it's got a good beat. Anyway, the nice people at ninjatune have it for free.

guess what the new text box does

Friday, March 14, 2003

The drnk has now been fully blogged up, so it should be much easier to get pictures from my phone onto this site... you have been warned.

And there is another new menu entry, the games schedule - read it, and fear me!

Thursday, March 13, 2003

My god, not another menu entry? This website is almost starting to look like a proper one...

Anyway, the gx10 entry is for all you Vodafone Live users, a bunch of wallpapers for the sharp gx-10 phone based on this site. Just stick the URL for page in your phone, sit back and watch your phone bill soar.
ooh, look to your right. I now have the most evil scrollbar in the world! Gaze in awe at the evil darkness of it... mwah! mwah! mwah!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I don't know why, but I find this incredibly funny...

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

For the first time for quite a while I've just got really excited about a computer game, capcom have just anounced Onimusha 3 and my god they've thrown in some really cool surprises here. The first two games were set in Medieval Japan... so is this one up to a point, then bang! it moves to Paris 2004! I really didn't see that one coming... then they obviously thought, "we need a badass mutha character for the players to use... but we're in France... hmm". The solution: they've only gone and digitised Jean Reno, yes - you get to play as Leon, (well sort of...) kicking vast amounts of demon butt. OK, next thing I know I'm flicking through the biographies section of the website and guess what Donnie Yen is the action director of the CGI film. (If you don't know who Donnie Yen is go and buy/rent/steal Iron Monkey now).

I'm getting too excited aren't I?

Thursday, March 6, 2003

Nothing posted for a while - I'd better sort that out right now.

OK, book recommendation time: this one is actually a book about a book. There's a comic book series I've been reading called The Invisibles, superficially it's your bog standard tale of psychic time travel, transvestite shamanism and pop-art ultra-violence - with a side helping of intersecting realities - you know the usual stuff ;-)

The thing is the last book in the series is The Invisible Kingdom, this just threw me towards the end - some of the ideas go beyond the usual 4 dimensions, I just didn't get it - I have the distinct impression that large quantities of hallucinogenic drugs would help, but in the absence of those I've been reading Anarchy for the Masses, this is a frighteningly detailed analysis of the series with a very illuminating interview with the author Grant Morrison, it seems to be helping with my understanding of series anyway.

Anyway in other news, time for another list (...nooooo!) - this one is THE LIST, I give you my games buying schedule:


Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II (GC)

Resident Evil Zero (GC)


Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC)

House of the Dead III (XBox)


Metroid Prime (GC)


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/ Four Swords (GBA)

Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (XBox)

GameBoy Advance SP (GBA... sort of)


Zone of the Enders - The 2nd Runner (PS2)


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC)


Enter The Matrix (XBox)


Silent Hill 3 (PS2)

...I'm using the GAME as my source for dates, they can be a little optimistic sometimes, but fairly accurate - and if a game only has a vague date it's off the list.