Monday, March 31, 2003

How not to make a website part 431...

OK, an explanation I think. I've been hanging around the MSM member directory, a strange and wonderful place with a lot of "lurve-ing" and "lol-ing" going on, populated by teenagers, weird middle aged women, and... well blatant paedophiles (singleThirteenYearOld - fuck right off!, you are fooling no one you dirty old man).

Basically it's all part of the plan to make sure I'm the one and only Darth Phil. First I got the "dot com" that you're reading now (a pretty good start I think), last night I got my xBox gamertag (I'm truly shocked no other Star Wars fan called Phil got it) - and I've just got my MSM profile... again a straight "darthphil".

So back to the explanation, as any decent (well, I say decent...) self-respecting single Dark Lord of the Sith would do I've been casually flicking through the entries in my area that belonged to "ladieez" and which had pictures (stop tutting at the back, just send your disapproving emails here), anyway amongst those I found the entry with the link shown above...

That was so worth the long winded explanation wan't it?

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