Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Now, this is hardcore! It is also a good reason why I am painfully single and very likely to stay that way for the forseable future...

In case you can't be bothered to click on the link, it's Steel Batallion for the XBox, complete with 40 button giant robot controller - and one of these puppies turned up for me today... I'm slightly disappointed it wasn't parachuted in or escorted to our offices by armed guard, but you can't have everything your own way can you? Anyway, tonight I think I'll be settling down on my sofa with my shiny new 40 button controller, I'll crack open a beer or two, loosen some clothing, crank the surround sound up and kick some giant robot ass... sad and worrying eh? especially the bit about loosening clothing.

Anyway, back to reality for a moment. The protest song of the day feature is on hold at the moment on grounds of taste and decency, it is my painful duty to inform you that Lenny Kravitz has released an anti war song. I'm sorry but I'm not putting a link to a song by someone as dull as him, you'll just have to hunt around for it on your own - I've listened to 'We want peace' and it's shite... there's pretty much zero passion in it. I suppose I'm just not one for the whole 'give peace a chance... please... pretty please with sugar on top' approach, I want something along the lines of 'what the hell do you think your doing!'... righteous indignation with a funky beat basically.

Finally a quick big up!(..sorry, I'm listening to hip-hop at the moment) to Pat at First Season Filmic Frippery, my first email out of the blue wishing me luck with the blog. Good to hear from another spaced fan too!

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