Monday, October 10, 2005

OK, give me five minutes to metaphorically wrestle my Nintendo DS (the official game console of choice) from my own hands so I can stop playing games about weird fascist looking male cheerleaders, puppies and war and actually write something here.

I've got a fairly unhealthy symbiotic approach to music, when I'm miserable I listen to sad mournful music, and when I listen to miserable music I can get a bit moody and reflective. So the last couple of albums I've bought from Earth and Sunn0))) have not exactly been conductive to me being the proverbial bundle of joy. Luckily I think the next few albums on my hit list are a bit more cheerful. We start with the new Broken Social Scene album, a gleefully chaotic album which you can read about here, I've also got the new album from Why? which looks fun - more of which in a later post.

So, television. Whose watching the new series of Lost? If you are you may be interested in The Hanso Foundation, if you're in the UK and are being good and ignoring the torrent sites you may want to avoid it. I can't help but reveal one secret on the site: The Hanso Juxtapositional Eugenics Development Institute? J.E.D.I.? What do you reckon, light sabres and Jedi Knights? Almost as amusing as the rumour that Meg White was going to be Nine Inch Nails new drummer...

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