Sunday, October 23, 2005

soul music...

Greg Dulli - Amber Headlights
If there was one man in rock whose shows I wouldn't mind stepping into for a day it would surprise you to know that it wouldn't be one of the usual subjects such as Nine Inch Nail's El Rezzo, or the might Justin Broakrick of Jesu, it would have to be Greg Dulli. The man has soul, he sounds like he lives a life full of whiskey, cigarettes, sleazy hotel rooms and equally sleazy women - all the things that make up a proper rock and roll lifestyle - and damn, does he know how to sing. This album is made up of tracks written during a time when he was between his two bands The Afghan Whigs and The Twilight Singers. It was put on the shelf after a friend of his died, however he's recently revisited the songs and thankfully we now have this disk. As an introduction to his music it's a pretty good start, or even better if your in the mood for some TLC of the soul I think it's a pretty safe bet.

MP3: Cigarettes

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