Monday, October 10, 2005

yay Canada!

Broken Social Scene - S/T
Well the new Broken Social Scene is here, whisked over by the good people at Fed Ex from the less civilized side of the Atlantic because I've got no idea when it's coming out over here. There last proper album was pretty much the perfect indie album so this has got quite the expectation to live up to. For there new album the Canadian collective has swelled there ranks to an impressive 17 full time members, this has lead to an album that is almost over brimming in ideas and sounds. I've seen some reviews imply that its a bit too chaotic at times, I can sort of see where they are coming from, they're wrong of course - I think it just gives the album a more charmingly looser feel that I like. Anyway, here's a song from the album - it's one of the stranger ones: constantly in danger of falling apart, wonderfully dreamy in places and with a lovely female vocal line that floats in and out of the song. Probably my favourite one on the album actually.

MP3: bandwitch

Broken Social Scene - to be you and me
And what's this? If you are quick you get a little bonus treat with the new Broken Social Scene album in the form of a nice little self contained EP. I could probably say it's a bit more experimental than the album it comes with, a couple of the tracks play around with drum machines and electronics more than the album - just as good though. The track I've chosen from this, like Bandwitch, is in danger of falling apart, but that's more because there are just so much going on in it. I love tracks like this, you can listen to it dozens of times and never quite hear all the parts on offer - plus it's noisy as fuck which is always a bonus!

MP3: canada vs america

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