Wednesday, May 21, 2003

I don't know if anyone else gets this but every so often an album comes along that just leaves me stunned. Today it's Ether Teeth by Fog, I'm about three quarters of the way through it at the moment and I'm really impressed with it. Full description will follow later, but in the mean time thing folky acoustic psychedelia with lot's of turntables, and some really inspired sampling.

I haven't done a list here for a while, so here's a list of CD's on order or in the post (I've given up buying from my local Virgin, they never have the weird shite I want):

Marilyn Manson - The Golden Age Of Grotesque - sort it out play! it was allegedy posted over a week ago.

Various - Lexoleum - Hip Hop collection from Lex records.

Morphine - The Best of Morphine - being a completist, there are a couple of songs on it I don't own

Cex - Being Ridden - apparently better than his last album

Cex - Being Ridden Instrumentals - or are they? totally different tracklisting

SK/UM - I Thagu Fallsins - I dare you to find a more obscure title.

Kid Koala - Nufonia Must Fall - actually a comic book, but it has a soundtrack, I'm intrigued other news I've just rediscovered this site, before clicking the link I should warn you that it's a Nine Inch Nails humour site, so won't make a huge amount of sense unless you know the music - still, it's good to see that there is someone else out there who isn't a suicidal teenage goth and listens to them.

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