Monday, May 12, 2003

Well I can see that this new Zelda game is going to cause plenty of late nights, damn it's good, I've had to physically drag myself away from it tonight. OK, its not that much of a departure from the older Zelda games (besides the graphics, but to be honest I can't see what the fuss is about, they look great to me), all the old items like the grappling hook and boomerang seem to be present and correct, the dungeons still follow the same find big key, kill big boss route but the sheer quality and balance of the game is just breathtaking.

This, combined with Metroid, also on my gamecube, and Neverwinter Nights on my PC mean I'm rapidly approaching videogame overload. I'm fairly sure I may snap soon - I'm guessing sometime around when Ikaruga comes out.

So, because I've been wasting all my time on videogames, plans for tonight's update have gone somewhat astray. I was planning to get a bit political about the whole Claire Short resignation, she got on my nerves when she threw all her anti-war posturing out of the window before the Iraq conflict, and now the way she's getting all moralistic just grates even more - but I'm too tired to do that.

And if anyone has been wondering why the imood indicator has been saying uninspired tonight, well I had this great hip-hop beat knocking around my head on the walk home from work, but I'm damned if I could get it to work in fruityloops... very annoying.

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