Sunday, May 11, 2003

OK, I've just done this personality test, apparently I am highly paranoid, but only moderately obsessive-compulsive. Personally I think it's wrong, surely the fact that this website being about 50% lists means I deserve some bonus points in the obsessive-compulsive category, and if there was a question saying "do you sort skittles into different colours before eating them?" I'd be well on the way to a series of comfy therapy sessions.

I also had a go at the Dante's Inferno Test. I'm a heretic and I get a flaming tomb and some infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents... Woo Hoo! Count me in!!

Anything else? Well I've been introduced to a couple of very good websites: infinite wheel, where you can find the very cool dub selector, and Cool site, bit on the skizophrenic side, it's got fun shite like the "you are a fucking cunt" swearing xylophone but if you hunt around in the playthingz section there are also things like "time" which are quite poignant, and some of the photography is really good.

Oh, and I've got the new RJD2 EP, a few b-sides and remixes and some interesting CD-ROM pieces...

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