Wednesday, November 19, 2003

The Progidy's New Album...

Kid606 - Kill Sound Before Sound Kills You

If I gave marks out of 10 for records this would instantly get a bonus point for having a song called "If I had a happy place this would be it". Anyway, new Kid606 album, what does it sound like? Good question, the problem (although problem isn't really the right word) is that pretty much every Kid606 album/EP sounds completely different: For example Down With The Scene sounded like one great big almighty fuck you to the world in general, but then there is PS I Love You, full of minimal techno ambience, and then The Action Packed Mentalist Brings You The Fucking Jams - which is very silly, but great fun. It's very difficult to pin him down. This CD has 5 years worth of recorded material and it's possible to hear influences from all of his releases, making this probably the most "Kid606" Kid606 album you'll hear - if you see what I mean. If I was pinned down and forced to describe this I probably say "it's the album that Liam Howlett wishes he could make", but that doesn't do it justice. OK it's a bit old skool ravey in places (not a bad thing!) and the inner sleeve has a piss take of one of the Prodigy's album, but I think that's where the Prodigy comparison ends. But that doesn't really help me to describe this album properly, all I can recommend is to try and have a listen to it. If you can appreciate music that crams silly amounts of ideas into very short spaces, you'll like it; if you appreciate a good old fashioned junglist-stylee dance tune, you'll like it; if you can admire the someone who seems to have a sample on his powerbook called "try to suck the listener's brain out through his ears-bass scraping noise" you'll like it. Fuck it, you'll like it... trust me!

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