Sunday, September 11, 2005

This weekend has a distinct Sporting theme, yesterday was my first trip of the season to see my adopted Premiership team Spurs. As is traditional alot of lager was consumed and plenty of shouting was erm... shouted, and a few silly pictures were taken. Been playing with the panorama mode on my phone as usual, almost got a decent picture of White Hart Lane from it.

Continuing the sporting theme I'm off to see England win the Ashes (yes WIN! damn it!) tomorrow, yes I know technically it's not the weekend - but I'm not at work, so I'm declaring an extension. Could be a very special day.

OK, that's the sporting stuff finished. Now for something completely different, as you may be aware I am a bit of a fan of (or more accurately FUCKING OBSESSED WITH!) Nine Inch Nails. Although I'm sure all the other NINternauts out there will know this but El Rezzo has graced us with a brand new shiny song, it's called Non Entity and is a rather lovely little piano based number which will appeal to the older more relaxed affeciando. You can watch a video of it here, or search around in this forum post to find an mp3 version.

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