Tuesday, September 27, 2005

vaguely folky...

Devandra Banhart - Cripple Crow
Devandra's previous albums were pretty sparse affairs, mainly just solo guitar numbers with his strangely enthralling warbling voice. For his latest album he's enlisted some help from his friends, lots and lots of friends judging from the artwork, which gives the whole album much more depth. Anyway, really good album let down from being a classic album as it is way way way way way too long. Anyway, have a listen - although be warned, we are travelling into serious hippy territory here.

MP3: Cripple Crow

CocoRosie - Noah's Ark
This album has been getting some pretty vicious reviews (stand up Brainwashed and PitchforkMedia), which I don't understand why. They are a fairly strange group: two sisters, one of which is a trained opera song, and they have an odd approach to percussion which seems to involve hitting toys with large sticks, but really these songs are quite nice in my opinion, sort of like a very lo-fi Bjork. Absolutely no need for such vicious reviews, I think the unicorn porn on the front probably made the reviewers a bit uncomfortable...

MP3: K-Hole

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