Friday, January 30, 2004

It snowed the a couple of days ago, woo....

Since I lack the imagination to write anything particularly creative at the moment (or ever if I'm being honest) here's a quick update on the New Years Resolutions:

1.Give up smoking before I'm 30

Well, let's be honest: I'll never be a non-smoker, I'll only ever be an ex-smoker (there is a subtle but important difference which will only be understood by people who have regularly smoked), but it's been almost three weeks now since my last ciggy and all seems well. The physical withdrawal symtons have been OK and the moodiness has almost gone. I had to go to into London yesterday which involved train journeys... and sitting in the smoking carriage - I'm happy to say I felt suitably uncomfortable.

2.Sort my credit card out

I'm kind of sticking to the reducing CD/DVD/Videogame schedule, although have I had a minor binge yesterday on new CDs. Although having said that I only ended up with three, I did have about seven in my hands at one point.

3.Read some proper books

Getting there, although I've only managed to read children's books from the library (Alice in Wonderland and Alice through the Looking Glass - which is seriously fucked up, not sure if it should be read by children). But I've finally finished Hunter S Thompson's Kingdom of Fear (which I may have mentioned before), not a bad book when he sticks to the subject, but has a tendency to go off on one and occasionally get lazy by just posting some of his old letter's. I'm currently reading the fantastically named "The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse" by Robert Rankin, very funny "fairytale-noir" story. After that I've got a couple of biographies: one by the mightly Bruce Campbell, the other a biography of Richard Feynman. I've got a book about String Theory to read after that which could be a bit serious - I've got a basic understanding of most areas of physics and maths that I'm interested in (ie quantum physics, chaos theory, fluid dynamics...), but string theory is something I've never quite got.

4.Get fit

The current excuse as to why this isn't happening is: I've fucked my knee up.

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