Monday, January 26, 2004

OK, I got a new Ninjatune sampler today, I've also got the new Squarepusher single off The thing is, do I break one of my dumb little rules and start putting downloaded releases into the mildly obsessive cd collecting section? I've decided not to: as someone with mild obsessive compulsive disorder I've got to leave that section dedicated to CDs. I'm still not completely comfortable with digital music, even though its by far the most popular format I listen to, and just can't quite lump them in with my CDs. Stupid really...

Speaking of digital music I've been downloading a fair bit recently. The last lot was from a visit to the official Cranes site on Mr Warren Ellis' tip. Now, The Cranes are a band I wanted to listen to when I was a young whipper snapper (I saw them once on some yoof program, possibly snub TV)- the thing is it was when I was a pubescent Heavy Metal fan, and admitting to liking such bands was not the done thing. The Nine Inch Nails admission did not go down well at the time, if I confessed to liking ethereal indie music I would have been the laughing stock of year 10! Anyway, check the site out, and listen to some good music.

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