Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Well I've finally seen the last The Lord of The Rings film - now, I know some purists may balk at the loss of the Scouring of the Shire from the film and Sam & Frodo's slightly whirlwind tour of Mordor, but I'd like someone to explain to me how anyone could do any better. And those battle scenes... fuck me! I metaphorically doff my cap to Peter Jackson. That is how you do a trilogy, I just hope certain other director's have been paying attention *cough* Lucas *cough*.

Back to reality, although there may be a bit of fiction here. I give you my New Year's Resolutions:

1.Give up smoking before I'm 30

That gives me 2 months, I'm down to single figures per day - maybe there is hope?

2.Sort my credit card out

It's getting a bit out of control, I think the reasons are obvious. So, I'm going to try to stick to one CD, one game and one DVD per week; raid my meagre savings - Hopefully it will be back under control in a few months... unless the P900 temptation gets too strong. Maybe some of the pr0n subscriptions should go too? Hmm.

3.Read some proper books

I'll defend comic books to the death, but let's face facts - they are not quite literature. They are basically very well written and very nicely illustrated storyboards for films that haven't been made. I need to read some proper books, first step: join the library...

4.Get fit

I'm sure it's possible, with a few energetic sessions on dancing stage megamix.

...anyway, there you are. Fairly realistic don't you think?

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