Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Apparently there was some sort of Football match tonight, frankly I couldn't give two tugs of a dead dogs cock about it (I really must use that phrase more often in polite conversation), Darth Phil has been to RAAAWK!

Tonight I went to see Isis & Jesu at The Mean Fiddler; got there nice and early to be confronted by the mother of all queues. It spread around several charming back alleys near Tottenham Court Road, one of which was round the back of a Sex Shop - Yay! Anyway after about 40 minutes of fun standing in a line I eventually got into the venue. Before the two main bands there was a support band, frankly they were one of the oddest bands I've ever seen: think really really slow jazz, bit like something out of Twin Peaks, to emphasize the music they played with all the lights in the venue turned off, only using three torches on the stage suspended above the three main musicians. Basically you could see fuck all except for a saxophone that occasionally strayed into view of one of the torches... An odd start to put it mildly.

Jesu were next, I saw them a few months ago where they played as a duo with a laptop providing the rhythm section, this time they bought along a drummer. It made such a difference, besides a few dodgy vocal effects they were absolutely blinding. I think my main source of tinitus tonight is from there set.

Isis were pretty good, they can be strange to watch - during the loud bits where the singer was shouting it was like watching a death metal band, but during the quiet bits it was like watching Mogwai. Got a bit samey in the end, but I've seen worse.

Anyway I had fun, although for some reason I have a shooting pain down the side of my left leg, I wonder how that happened...

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