Sunday, April 24, 2005

This is the stupid amount of unfinished games that normally sits in the corner of my living room:


This weekend I've mainly been playing Lego Star Wars on my XBox, it recreates the new prequel trilogy in Lego form - obviously to a geek like me it is almost pornographically good. OK, I finished the game in a space of a few hours, but its full of so much love and respect for both franchises that you can't help be sucked in by it - unless you are one of those joyless types with no soul or sense of fun.

Anyway, enough about games, here's some pictures from St Georges Day celebrations, we commemorated the events in the traditional English way: binge drinking. Jolly good fun, although I am keen to have a go at a social event which doesn't involve drinking one day - mainly just to reassure myself I'm not a complete alcoholic.

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