Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Morning Music...

Old Man Gloom - Seminar II - The Holy Rites of Primitivism Regressionism
Companion piece to the other Old Man Gloom Seminar CD I got a while a go, slightly less daunting as this one splits the tracks into 16 rather than one massive piece. Same sort of music though, basically a mixture of sort of ambient mystical drones with full on balls out metal. Jolly good it is too.

MP3: Meditations in B Parts V and VI.mp3

One of those bands that could be absolutely massive given the right opportunites, they kind of remind me of a more folky Radiohead, not so much for the style of music but for the way that they have a very liberal attitude to instrumentalisation. It's all plucked banjos one minute, then suddenly it goes all electronic and weird, and thats before you get to the four part vocal harmonies parts. A very good, nope strike that, excellent CD.

MP3: Afford

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