Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bow down before the new God of War! Mwah Ha Ha!

*Ahem* Anyway, I've finished my latest Playstation 2 game, God of War. Now enjoying all the unlockable documentaries on the game disc; the deleted scenes is especially interesting being able to watch an early tech demo from 3 years ago really makes it clear how much work goes into modern videogames. Now I just have to beat God Mode, which looks like it could take some time as I've just had my ass handed to me on a plate by the first lot of bad guys.

Maybe that can wait until I've finished my next game Killer 7. Now this is a weird one, on a basic level it's third person action adventure with first person shooting elements - however from another point of view you could be dealing with an almost art-house videogame. For a start take a look at the graphics:

killer 7

killer 7

killer 7

killer 7

Just reeks of style doesn't it? Then there are the characters, the 'hero' is a wheelchair bound schizophrenic called Harman Smith - he has 7 alternate personalities which can take on a physical presence, you are given hints by this strange ghost gimp character who has a habit of going on about 'tight situations' a bit too much, you save the game through a nurse called Samantha (well, you can save if she feels like letting you) and the bad guys are essentially weird day-glow zombie suicide bombers called Heaven's Smiles.

I've only just completed the first level so I'm at a bit of a loss to explain what's really going on yet - The dialog is what can best be described as unhinged. From what I've read it gets quite political later on. Surprised it hasn't picked up too much controversy really, what with the whole disabled, mentally disturbed assassin hunting down suicide bombers theme going on...

Anyway, enough about videogames (I've realized the amount of time I spend going on about games on this website isn't really in proportion to the amount of time I spend playing them - in case you are wondering why they have been mentioned a bit more here recently). Here's some pictures from Friday night.

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