Thursday, July 28, 2005

end of what seems like the longest month ever...

Part Chimp - I Am Come
Part Chimp are a band on Mogwai's record label Rock Action. Whereas Mogwai are famous for songs that can be both extremely quiet and extremely noisy, Part Chimp never seem to stray from the ear bleeding end of the audio spectrum. And for that they should be congratulated, there's something quite admirable about there unabashed pleasure in banging out a completely over the top noisy rock song. Have a listen to the tune, if you like it you'll like the whole album.

MP3: War Machine

Mutamassik - Masri Mokkassar - Definitive Works
I've been waiting for a Mutamassik album for ages after hearing her stuff on many a DJ /rupture mix. I believe she's of Egyptian origin, although I might be wrong there, but where ever she is from there is a heavy North African/Arabic sound to all her work, but mixed with some vicious hip-hop and hardstep beats. It's noisy, angry sounding music which I love. Unfortunatly I haven't been paying this album enough attention (mainly because of the next one), I'll have to do something about that.

MP3: Sa'aidi Hardcore

Autolux - Future Perfect
Oh this is good! Very very good! I've picked up on this band as they are one of Trent Reznor's favourites (and obviously as a mildly obsessive 'NINternaut' I must follow our glorious leader), so glad I did. They sound in places like Sonic Youth but without the pretensious bits, there's a song that could be descibed as psychedelic era Beatles and they have a singing drummer. I think there one of the best bands I've heard in ages, I hope someone else out there does too...

MP3: Here Comes Everybody

Nine Inch Nails - Only
Speaking of Nine Inch Nails, here's there new single. Hands up who has been listening to LCD Soundsystem - alot!

MP3: Only

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