Sunday, July 24, 2005

Braved the exploding transport network and trigger happy police on Saturday to go to the Cricket in the Park organized by the English Cricket Board. Quite a good idea really, they set up a big screen to show the cricket, provided plenty of bars and gave away these groovy drinking glove thingies. As usual with these sort of sporting events it soon descended into some serious binge drinking, as evidenced by the gazebo stealing antics shown here, which me and John carried on with in Woking (my memory is a bit hazy about what happened here...). And I met an old friend who I haven't seen for far too long, which was nice and a bit random. Pretty good day really.

Today was spent trying to sober up whilst watching the new episode of Battlestar Galactica from one of those naughty torrent sites. I'm happy to report that the second series is just as fracking awesome as the first one.

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