Sunday, July 3, 2005

Time for a post, apologies for the delay, as you may have figured out from my previous post I've been put off from going anywhere near a computer due to the joys of Sharepoint. That's my excuse anyway, and I'm sticking to it.

Not much to say; been doing my good Samaritan turn this weekend by helping my Sister and her husband move house (I won't bore you with the details, moving boxes and cleaning skirting boards figured largely - rock and roll eh?). So no fun filled photos from my phone, unless you desperately want to see my Mum and her insane dog.

Got a couple of CDs for you to read about that were pretty good. Some other interesting CDs should arrive in the next week, some Egyptian dance music, some improvised guitar stuff and a concept album about the politics of food. Bet you can't wait!

Anything else? Well maybe I should offer my opinion on the whole Live 8 thing that happened this weekend. I'm trying so hard not to be cynical about it, but I'm really getting tired of b-list celebrities and indulgent rock stars appearing on television preaching about how we shouldn't be cynical about it. I'm finding it hard to suppress a general 'fuck you!' feeling about it. I watched the concert on and off, and heard time again that we should 'Make poverty history' but it just came off as a bit of an empty slogan after the hundredth time. I can't remember a single one of them telling us how they were going to go about doing this, maybe the rally in Edinburgh had more practical answers but I certainly didn't hear about them.

I was also left with the question why the sudden interest in Africa? Where were all these rock stars when the Iraq invasion went hideously wrong, why aren't they all protesting against the Catholic Church and there stance towards contraception (I'm pretty sure you could dramatically cut down on AIDS in Africa if a few more people felt it was morally fine to use condoms). How about a few celebrities endorsing Stem Cell therapy? That could in theory help produce a cure for cancer and spinal injuries, but I guess supporting a therapy that may involve experimenting with stem cells from human embryos isn't as media friendly as Africa. And why oh why isn't anyone launching a campaign to publicly sterilize the members of the Big Brother house so they can't spread there vile genes?! (Except for that new Irish girl as she has marvelous boobies)

I'm slipping into a cynical mood, I'll stop going on about the politics. But I'll just offer my opinions on the music... I think the word 'shit' springs to mind, although for some unfathomable reason I quite liked The Who - I think that was mainly due to the fact that Pete Townshend still plays the guitar in a way that brings to mind the word 'assault'. And I quite liked Pink Floyd even though I have bad memories of being forced to listen to The Wall at university. I must be getting old.

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