Sunday, July 10, 2005

Welcome to's weekly post. Tsk tsk, Getting a bit lazy Phil.

Anyway, not much to report, another one of those busy weeks at work that left no time for anything of interest or having something approaching a social life. Went out on the town for about the first time in three weeks on Friday night, paid for it with a nasty hangover for most of Saturday, and as today was hot and sunny I of course spent it inside with the curtains shut playing videogames like a good little gamer should.

Got this new game called God of War for my Playstation 2, it's excellent! Definitely a game for adults as it is incredibly violent, bloody, has a main character who could really only be described as a complete and utter bastard and... It has *gasp* naked women. It's based loosely on the myths of ancient Greece; it's full of angry medusae, cyclops and hydra to chop into small convenient pieces. I'm also impressed with the overall production values, it's one of those games that gets close to sometimes feeling like a film, they've even taken time to produce a making of documentary and adding deleted scenes just like you would fine on any DVD nowadays.

New CDs have been purchased this week, details on a couple of them can be found over here. I have a couple of others, but I have to dwell on them a bit longer before passing opinion.

Before finishing, some words on events in London last Thursday. What should have been a great day (annoying the French by winning the Olympics, maybe getting some world leaders to actually do something useful for a change) was royally fucked up by a bunch of... I think we'll have to invent a new swear word to describe them. Well, that's the initial reaction anyway, closely followed by the obvious sympathy for the victims and then a swell of national pride from the impression that we've reacted to the event with humour, defiance and a collective metaphorical flicking of the V-sign in the general direction of anyone who thinks London hasn't dealt with this sort of thing before. That's the impression I get from the internet anyway...

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