Thursday, July 14, 2005

<fan sex="female" age="15" frameofmind="hysterical">OMG!! OMG!! I'VE TOUCHED TRENT REZNOR</fan>

Ahem, that's enough of that. An explanation I think - OK, tonight I've been to see Nine Inch Nails... Twice! So how did I do that? Well as a fully paid up member of the 'please Trent, let me be your bitch'-club aka The Spiral, I received an email asking me if I would like to go to a meet and greet before tonight's show.

Would I? Fuck Yes!

Anyway to cut a long and slightly tedious story short, myself and maybe about 30 other fans were herded into the venue via the stage door, before the venue opened, into a very much empty Brixton Academy. We got to watch the band sound check, which basically involved them running through about half a dozen songs, then after they finished we lined up at the front of the stage and got introduced to the band one by one... Think 'British Royal Family' but more Goth. I can't remember exactly what I said to everyone, something along the lines of "Oh Man! I'm so happy to meet you", and got my With Teeth CD signed *cough* *cough*

no you can't have it

Although I can't remember exactly what was said, I was struck by the way that they are all ridiculously nice people, and if you were to take one rock band to meet your mum I'd recommend them hightly. Anyway, it was officially awesome! Although sadly we weren't allowed to take pictures during this.

This finished just after 6pm, which left me time to have a couple of pints before returning to the venue. The special treatment didn't end there, rather than joining the normal queue we got to enter via the stage door without having to queue at all - again, totally awesome (you'll have to excuse the overuse of the word 'awesome', I'm still in awe slightly)

Anyway, what about the show? Amazing! I spent the whole time having the time of my life in the mosh pit: every bone aches and I can tell already I will spend tomorrow in agony, at one point I lost a shoe only to have it returned 5 minutes later by some kind soul, and I did my good samaritan bit by launching a girl who wanted to crowd surf over the crowd. They played all the classics, not only getting heavy and emotional with the now famous-ish 'Hurt', but also the song that I swear I am subconsciously living my life by: 'Something I can never have'. Those were the only quiet bits really, the rest of it was wall to wall moshing, fucking great! I feel 15 years younger! Oh, and before the came on I swear they played a Great Annhilator era Swans track just before coming onto stage, which went down well with the more mature Goths in the audience - like yours truly.

Anyway, crap pictures are here, excuse the quality but as mentioned before I wasn't in the calmest place in the world at the time.

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