Saturday, April 12, 2003

It may have come to your attention that Darth Phil is a Leicester City fan. I may not be the best fan in the world: I don't own a season ticket and the last match I went to was a friendly however I consider myself a fan, always have been and always will. Anyway, today could have been the day we went up to the Premiership, the day when every Leicester fan could have stood up proud, flicked a v-sign (Liam Gallagher style) in the general direction of the people in charge of the Football League and said "thanks for nothing you fuckers, we're out of here".

Unfortunatly it wasn't meant to be, we drew to Rotherham after what was apparently a pretty poor show. However, the God's of Football did decide to grant us with a small consellation prize: Portsmouthlost, and we're top of the league! OK, not for long, but still it's a nice view for a couple of days.

Now, I know a few Pompey fans (I won't mention the names, but the arse in the view from phil's phone belongs to one), and as you can imagine the text messages have been flying tonight. I think it is my duty to show a choice selection to the world, due to the vast amount of swearing I've replaced a few words with slightly less anglo-saxon variations - it just makes the list a bit more interesting, but if you want the original version I'm sure you can guess what the words in bold originally were...

"You are the biggest CLUMPERTON I know"

"You are the biggest CLODPOLL I know too"

"You fox COISTREL, You fox COISTREL..."

"Howsabout you FEEB off you Leicester COCKABALOO"


...the fools! do they not understand the dark side thrives on hate!!! mwah! mwah! mwaaaah!

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