Thursday, April 17, 2003

Oooh, tis the witching hour... almost... or it might be past it once I hit the post button.

I know I've said I wouldn't do another post under the influence of alcohol, especially after the complaints from last time, but I think I'll be alright tonight - I've had a quiet night in, I've been on the el vino rather than the wife beater, and media player has shown some very good taste tonight (Anti-Pop Consortium, Portishead and Deborah Anderson have featured in the last few random selections), so the music coming from my laptop has been most agreeable - and not in the least bit annoying.

Anyway, prepare yourself for some random ramblings and linkage! (no, hold on media player has just woken up and started playing a Filter song which reminds me of a girl I... hold on, give me a moment...)

Right (media player has moved on to Autechre... still good, but no emotional attatchment), first up google has woken up! Type in darthphil and I'm top of the list, and if you try darth phil I'm at least in the first page - although Pat's site gets above me, not that I'm going to begrudge him that, especially since I get a well cool link in his daily reading section.

So tonight, I've been trawling the darkside of the blogosphere, and found plenty of worrying websites - mainly by teenagers pretending to be disturbed... which they are so obviously not - trust me, I've seen a couple of people I know go through proper mental breakdowns, and getting out of bed has been a mission, updating a website just wouldn't be an option. What these people have been going through is some thing I like to call puberty, ah those were the days... long hair, metallica albums, skateboards and a tendency to feel like I was the centre of the universe...

Anything else? Well the donnie darko quiz (link stolen from Pat's site...again!), posting my answer would break one of the rules of my website... but it is so obvious which character I am...

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