Wednesday, April 16, 2003

talk about... pop music! talk about... pop music!

Hmm, I'm not sure why but I think I'm listening to a lot of pop music at the moment. So what? I hear the masses cry - well, I've currently got the following CDs on order:

Soundmurderer - Wired for Sound (hardcore mix CD of some seriously ruff ragga tunes)

Numbers - DEATH (theres a Kid606 mix/tune on it I want)

The Bug - Pressure (bassbin blowing, mechanoid mash ups anyone? more dancehall ragga basically, but by half of the mighty techno animal)

Painkiller - Talisman (...a Painkiller live album - anyone else heard of them?)

Spring Heel Jack - Oddities (continuing there excursions in modern composition and free jazz, I damn well hope, or there will be trouble!)

...not your normal top 40 album material really. So why do I spend half of my time recently listening to the likes of Justin Timberlake and T.A.T.U.?

Well, the Justin Timberlake thing is difficult to explain, but I think I've come up with an answer. First up we have Timbaland's production, it amazes me he gets away with some of the stuff he comes up with - strip away the vocals and it wouldn't be out of place on Warp . Next up, our lad Justin has a mighty fine voice, it's been said before I'm sure, but the closest you get to it is Michael Jackson in his prime. And finally, that video for Cry Me a River is one of the most wonderfully vindictive things I've ever seen in my life.

So, there's my Justin Timberlake excuse, the T.A.T.U one is easy - they are my Lesbian Russian Pop Pixies and I will not here a word said against them ...and they are responsible for making one of the finest cover versions of a Smiths song ever. A difficult task I think (although Schneider TM have also had a fair crack), since The Smiths are well up there in my list of most overated bands of all time.

There are a couple of other 'pop' CDs I might buy soon, but they're not really pop... just popular. The first is Linkin Park (they appeal to my immaturity), and the new White Stripes album (I should own more of there stuff, because they are really jolly good).

OK other random stuff, I've renamed drnk to something more appropriate - I've got these stoopid dogme-esque rules for this site - one of them being only 4 letters in the menu options. If anyone has any better ideas there is a comments link below, feel free to use it. And I've found a couple of cool new t-shirts, the first up possibly the most fuck you t-shirt ever, the second one a tribute to the comedy genius of the second gulf war: El Ministro Saeed al Sahaf!

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