Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Fuck me, if you thought Metallica had gone seriously heavy you want to try this new Killing Joke CD...

And if that wasn't enough sonic mayhem the new Kid606 single turned up yesterday on the doormat of Phil Towers and it's great. If you haven't heard the Kid and need a reference point think slightly more fucked up Experience era Prodigy, and you're close. Although personally I like to describe it like this:

About 5 minutes in to the first track there is a sample of Roadrunner going 'meep-meep' - now just think of that cloud of dust that is now Roadrunner going off into the distance, inevitably leaving Wile E Coyote (whose probably holding a stick of dynamite). In both a literal and metaphorical sense that is exactly what this new single sound's like... except for the 3 bonus tracks which are kind of nice and ambient.

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