Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Glastonbury 2003 Part 2/4 - Friday

I'm going to stick to bands for this post, you can assume that the blanks were filled in wandering around, drinking beer, smoking... stuff, eating, lying in the sun and looking at weirdness.

So, first 'band' was Har Mar Superstar. The word band donesn't really apply here since he's a fat bloke with a tendency to strip down to his underwear whilst doing a fair impression of Prince. Very nice dancers, sort of OK songs although Power Lunch is by far his best.

Next up, The Inspiral Carpets. I was fully expecting to hate these but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. They got well into the spirit of things and did there best to take everyone's mind off the rain, they even played the theme to the 8:15 from Manchester.

After the Inspirals we went on a hunt for somewhere dry, it took a while until we saw the next band...

OK, my top band of the festival were on next: Mogwai. The sun came out and they pulled out all there top tunes finishing with an awe inspiring version of My Father My King (a 20 minute instrumental version of a Jewish Prayer fact fans). I got the impression they couldn't quite believe they were on the main stage at Glasto and there were a few people around me with "what the fuck?!?" expressions, but I could see a few other true believers out there just lapping it all in, which was nice (They've got a new video out which you can watch over at the PIAS site, it has lot's of cartoon animals but is still incredibly depressing).

We saw Electric 6 next, I have to be honest and admit that I had a bit of a delayed whitey for some reason during there set so had problems enjoying it. Apparently they ended on a version of Radio Ga Ga... I'm a bit annoyed with myself for missing that.

Friday evening was spent hanging around the New Bands tent. I saw Junior Senior, who were OK, the whole crowd was basically just waiting for that song - when they did play it the whole place went a bit mental. I'm pretty sure they managed about 10 minutes. Unfortunatly they turned into a bit of a shitty cover band after that, doing bloody Beatles covers...

Lemon Jelly were next - I didn't thing I'd heard any of there stuff, but quite a few of the songs were recognisable (probably from watching too much Home Front - you know the bit at the end where they have lot's of sweeping shots of trees and pillows set to ambient music). Anyway, they are fun - I enjoyed them.

Last band of the day were Death In Vegas, they didn't seem that happy at having there set cut because of Junior Senior's wanking around, and I could have done with some proper drugs to appreciate them fully...

So that was Friday over, finished off by watching Donnie Darko in the cinema field which was a bit odd... The situation, not the film which makes perfect sense to me (time travel and parallel universes, dead easy really)

...oh, and I almost forgot. Me and Johnboy went off to the radio one stage which was in the middle of the market area to see Grooverider DJ - that was weird 3:00am in the morning and the place was packed, pity that the sound system was a bit on the quiet side.

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