Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Glastonbury 2003 Part 1/4 - Thursday

Not a good start, after a good 4 hours sleep my brain wasn't working quite as well as it should have been and somehow managed to lose my phone somewhere between leaving my house and posting a letter about 5 minutes up the road. Boo Hoo! Anyway I was too tired and off to Glasto so it didn't bother me too much at the time - the last picture can be found over here - worry not though, I have a new phone and this one has a camera on it too!

Anyway back to Glastonbury, got there Thursday lunch and it was already filling up, set up base camp outside the new bands tent in pretty much the same place as last year next to the pylon and the Scottish pill poppers (who seem to have calmed down a bit this year). I had a new tent this year which was much better than the coffin I had last time, a new inflatable chair since I couldn't be arsed to try packing my old one, and I may have popped it anyway. No bands this night, but plenty of beer which was nice...

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