Tuesday, March 30, 2004

OK, let me try to do this before I fall asleep.

I've been on a little adventure, I've been to see Sophia again - and well, they rocked! Took a bit of effort to find the damn place, I'm used to seeing bands in venues that aren't in shopping centres, that will teach me not to get proper directions. I managed to get to the Islington Academy eventually, after actually looking at the address on the ticket properly, missed the support band so it wasn't all bad news - support acts always get on my nerves a bit.

Sophia started off with some of there older songs So Slow and If Only got an airing, both very gentle numbers obviously not to the taste of the IGNORANT FUCKERS STANDING NEXT TO ME WHO WOULDN'T SHUT THE FUCK UP! (sorry, had to get that out of my system). As the set went on, things got heavier and louder until it reached its high point: Desert Song #2. I guess I should apologise for going on about this song, but fuck it - it's just beautiful, it's one of the few songs I know exactly where I was when I first listened to it. The lyrics get to me at a very personal level, and the music itself: the way it starts from a bare audible guitar riff slowly introducing the other instruments until just when you think the song has reached it's conclusion it stops and you get the quiet before the storm that is the last 90-odd seconds of pure joyous noise, chokes me up I'm telling you... I'm getting a bit over the top aren't I? Sorry.

Anyway I'm too tired to write, let's skip to the end: I enjoyed the night, there are a few pictures here in case you're wondering what it looked like, and a big one here if you want a proper look.

And since I'm feeling a bit confessional: I may have lasped on the smoking front, disapproving comments should be directed to the comments section below this post.

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