Tuesday, March 23, 2004


I'm having a bit of a music crisis - I'm just not listening to enough.

Indulge me for a minute while I explain, tonight I've had my laptop's music library on random (incidently hands up who's noticed the thing in the top right hand corner? If you have, give yourself a pat on the back, or a gold star, or whatever floats your boat). Eventually Media Player got round to a song by a band called Clarissa's Wierd, one that I'd downloaded from there website ages ago - well I was curious about what they they were up to and decided to have a prod around on the internet for any news.

Whilst doing that I found the photography site that had originally piqued my interest in Clarissa's Wierd (really must get there album...), and on the front page there were some pictures of a band called Rasputina that caught my eye. Very interesting band - two cellos, drums, vocals; they have this strange sort of experimental, yet quite traditional, baroque rock feel to them.

I'm now looking at the website of Zoe Keating, reading about her looped cello recordings - and thinking, damn it! I'm only just scratching the surface here. Can someone just give me a bunch of money so I can retire and spend the rest of my life listening to interesting music?

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