Thursday, March 4, 2004

Today needs documenting, events have conspired to make it a classic example of a shitty day - in fact the week's not been brilliant, maybe down to post 30th birthday blues. I think I had a stupid unrealistic expectation of there being some sort of epiphany after hitting the big 3-0 - let me tell you now, that hasn't happened. But I digress, back to today.

First up the Sam n Max, OK it's only a game, but that sort of nasty business-centric attitude to any vaguely creative form of entertainment makes me want to, in the words of the late great Bill Hicks: puke blood.

Then at lunch I got to meet a pension advisor - rather than try to persuade me that securing my financial future is a good idea I just got numbers, lot's and lot's of numbers. Very boring, and did little to shift my attitude that pensions are a big fat con - taking a very literal approach the way I see them it is: I pay just over half of my videogame budget to someone every month, and if I somehow get past retirement age I get about 25% back... Ooh, sign me up!

And then the afternoon's news... the Leicester players being arrested in Spain. As a fan i should jump to there defence, I should instantly assume that these women accusing players, of the team I support, of such morally wrong crimes are after some media attention - the trouble is I can't. Reading the reports on the aptly named (the major news websites seem to be just scared shitless of reporting anything that isn't 100% official), the phrase that springs to mind is 'no smoke without fire'; when police reports start mentioning ripped underwear, and blood, you know something very nasty and distaceful has happened involving some or all of these players. The only word that seems apt at the moment is 'disgust'. Maybe I'm wrong - I hope I am, but somehow I don't think so. Let's be honest, there a bunch of violent nasty fuckers on the pitch, who says there not off it?

And I keep getting a bad urge for a cigarette!

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