Sunday, March 7, 2004

This next week is going to be a good one for music, I can feel it in my bones. First up the new Squarepusher album, this has turned up early (and with a free 3" CD) since I'm very impatient person and I got it straight from Warp - it's long so I haven't quite got my head round it, but after just a couple of 'spins' I think I can comfortably class it as "a bit of a blinder!". More thorough comments will follow shortly...

Then there's also the next cLOUDDEAD album, which I'm really looking forward to - although I'm a little nervous since the first album was so groundbreaking, and then there are a couple of El-P related releases: the new Definitive Jux compilation and his Blue Series collaboration which should be a bit special.

Finally on the music front; I've discovered the mp3 blog: my favourite one being Fluxblog, in fact it's made me realise that I really need to tidy up my CD collection - I downloaded a track by Unwound called Demon Sings Love Songs (the title so appealed to me) only to realise that I already own it, but I'm damned if I can find the CD that I've got.

Anyway, enough wittering on about music here's some pictures - and here's Padgett's site with some more pictures from a much better camera phone (yours truly makes a guest appearance)

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