Monday, May 2, 2005

Bank Holiday Music

Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Well after six long years the new Nine Inch Nails album is finally here, not that Trent Reznor has been holed up in a bunker somewhere endlessly tweaking this CD to perfection. Nope, instead he's been developing and recovering from full blown alcoholism and being royally fucked over by his very much ex-manager - apparently.

Anyway, back to the album - it starts off with a dub bassline, which eventually morphs into a house music tune before going all Primal Scream - all in the space of the same song. Second song gets back to more comfortable Nine Inch Nails territory with Trent Reznor really letting rip with the lines like "Don't you fucking know who you are" whilst various guitars, samples and drums just tear the backing track to pieces.

I could go on in a similar vain about the rest of the songs on the album, but I don't want to bore anyone with my gushing, let's just say I like With Teeth... I like it alot.

Maybe a couple of marks of perfection - I can see how the lyrics could be interpretted as a bit basic, but then again I'm very fond of his honesty, why hide it with big flowery lines that require a degree to fully understand. And second, I'm a bit miffed that we're not getting the fancy pants dual disc version with the dolby 5.1 mix like the Yanks are getting.

Anyway, there you go - if someone I actually know could buy it that would be super cos I'm getting fed up of being the only one I know who like them. Go on! Embrace your inner teenage angst! Here's my favourite song on the album (at the moment anyway) to get you started:

MP3: Right Where It Belongs.mp3 - sorry boys and girls, this song is killing my bandwidth, if you want to listen to it you can stream it here (top-tip: skip forward to 51 minutes)

John Williams - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Albums of film scores can be a bit dull, by there nature film scores are meant to add sonic texture to visual elements, they contain alot of repetition as typically characters are given a theme which you'll hear repeated over and over again through out the duration of the track. So, I'm going to largely ignore the CD bit.

The reason I got it was for the bonus DVD. Basically it contains 70 minutes of music from all six Star Wars films used as the backing track for various clips and concept art from said films. A top idea, makes the whole listening to film scores far more interesting.

Back the The Sith soundtrack, I'm posting this song as it's basically a lament and I'm a miserable sod who likes this sort of thing.

MP3: The Birth of the Twins and Padmes Destiny

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