Friday, May 27, 2005

Went to see Michael Gira's Angel's of Light last night.

First up was Akron/Family, they are a pretty psychaedelic four piece who veer between folky rock music, beach boys harmonies and ambient drones. I only caught half of there set, but what I did see was pretty impressive, they are a band who seem to be completely devoid of ego with each member taking on equal vocal and instrument duties - quite a bit louder and more energetic than there still rather jolly good debut album.

Next up was Akron\Family... again! But this time there role was backing band to Michael Gira who was performing songs from his Angels of Light project. Have to say he was on fine form, laughing and joking with the audience between songs - well, telling the odd heckler to go fuck themselves, but he did it in a very jovial way - and going completely mental during some songs. During my favourite Angels of Light song (New York Girls fact fans) he was having great fun shouting, screaming and spitting into the air and catching it in his face, at one point he got up from his seat and proceeded to stomp around grabbing his crotch in a way that would make Snoop Dogg blush. He pulled a bit of a suprise for the last song, the backing band all put there instruments down to leave Mr Gira to perform an old classic Swans song called Blind solo. It was quite something really, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife during that song even the drunken twats who insisted on talking between themselves for most of the show shut up for that one. Fantastic end to a great show.

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