Thursday, October 7, 2004

OK, about time for a proper post rather than the one sentence posts which seem to have formed the last few posts. The trouble is I haven't got a huge amount to say; I could give you a guide to some interesting DVD releases, wax lyrical about the joy that is Burnout 3 on the Xbox (it's just soooooo fast, it's more like a drug than a game), or maybe get a bit topical and go on about current events in the world - but I think I'll leave those ideas for another time...

Instead I think I'll point you in the direction of this nice new PC wallpaper from a chap called Martyn Norman who has won some sort of Ninjatune competition. I've had the worlds most depressing wallpaper, which I pinched from this site, on my desktop at work - I thought it was about time for a change.

Oh, and go out and buy the new dj /rupture CD, it is brilliant - why? Because I say so!

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