Sunday, October 24, 2004

OK, I'm slightly less confused now - these camera phones can be very handy when your memory needs a bit of extra help.

So, Friday was fairly traditional in that there was plenty of good old fashioned binge drinking. It also marked the return of Wetherspoons as a venue, which is still as horrible as ever. Saturday was spent doing even more heroic drinking, this time in Tottenham and various random parts of London. I'd convinced myself that I knew where this really cool Polish bar was, unfortunatly I was wrong and a fair amount of the evening was spent wandering round parts of London that were unnervingly quiet for a Saturday night. It was a bit like those first scenes in 28 days later, if a zombie had jumped out I wouldn't have been in the least bit suprised.

As you can imagine today has been spent trying to convince my body to work properly, it's been a bit of a lost cause really...

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