Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Well the weather sucks, work sucks and the new Massive Attack album is disappointingly dreary. I need something to cheer me up damn it! If any generous rich people are reading this, how about spreading a bit of cheeriness and chucking me a few quid so I can bugger off round the world for a few months or something?

In other news I've acquired a copy of Innocence, the sequel to Ghost in the Shell. Visually it is truly extraordinary, you could pick pretty much any single frame from the film and want to hang it on your wall; but boy is it confusing. The main characters are constantly quoting famous thinkers like Confusious, Plato, Descartes and Buddha in between there own philosophical musings. This makes for a very confusing film at times but it's nice not to watch a film with a bit of intelligence for a change, even if much of it is way beyond me...

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