Tuesday, August 12, 2003

I realised today that I've put in over 90 hours of work of playing Phantasy Star Online over the last few weeks, this will not do. OK, I'm now level 67 (bow before your new god!), but other games are being cast aside well before they should. So, Zelda is now back in the Gamecube - a reasonable amount of progress has been made tonight...

Oh, and today I bought the most violent extreme CD I've heard in a long time, maybe since the Atari Teenage Riot Live at Brixton Academy CD, a recording of a show I had the fortune to attend - very funny, long term ATR fans were ripping up there T-shirts and booing, well, trying to boo over all the noise. I on the otherhand am a bit of a fan of a well aimed "fuck you world!"

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