Sunday, August 3, 2003

OK site updated...

In the past week I've aquired the grand total of 8 CDs - I'm hoping this week has been an exception since there is no way I can keep up with that sort of rate, both financially speaking and finding time to listen to the buggers. If your interested my thoughts on them are documents over here, I'm afraid it tails off after about 4 since I got bored of writing.

Next up on the agenda is the charmingly titled Mass Destruction by Curse Of The Golden Vampire. I'm looking forward to that one since it involves the Techno Animal boys.

There's some new pictures from Friday night here. I have to admit that the quality and quantity has gone downhill a bit since I've got my T610, unfortunatly it just isn't as good as my old phone in dark light - but then again it does have the added attraction of bluejacking pictures from other peoples' phones.

Finally I've bought a couple of new games so that list has been updated. As you can guess from the last post the new Pokemon game (fuck yoo! it's a good game) is sitting in my GBA SP, and I finally got round to buying Panzer Dragoon Orta for the XBox, which I'm slowly getting into... it's very pretty to look at, but I'm still not sure about the 360 degrees aspect to the view - it's an on-rails shooter and the constantly switching the view 90 degrees can get very dissorienting.

I guess the one aspect of my life that doesn't get documented enough on this site is my videogame habit/addiction. So to set the record straight here's what I'm playing at the moment: on the XBox it's Phantasy Star Online which has hit crack addiction levels, I'm in the realms of level 60 with plenty of special weapons so I can almost call myself a veteran except I'm really not playing it online enough. On the Cube it's Warioworld getting all the attention - a sound little platformer but way way too short... as for the PS2, well erm... don't say this too loudly but it's Dancing Stage Megamix, I'm justifying this one by trying to think of it as my fitness routine.

So there you go, you now know the games I'm playing, music I'm listening too and you can see pictures of me drinking too much. Not much else I'm afraid , but I reckon in a few thousand years if some future civilisation finds this website they could have a fair crack at making a resonable clone of me... Who says I don't have any ambitions? ;-)

And if all that waffling bores you try this, my favourite is the one with the balloons...

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